

Hi, I am Yuko Snow. I am a creative problem-solver with a passion for making stronger and better brands through awesome visual design.




アバウト ミー

yuko snow

Hi, I am Yuko Snow. I am from Japan but I've lived in the U.S for 10 years. I'm passionate about design - especially ui/ux web design! I also love solving problems, making interface easier for users, and learning new code. I'm interested in using new techniques to make both personal and corporate brands better and more beautiful. I graduated with an A.S. in Interactive and Graphic Design from Valencia College. I really enjoyed learning the skills to make your website better!

Hi, I am Yuko Snow. I am from Japan but I've lived in the U.S for 10 years. I'm passionate about design - especially ui/ux web design! I also love solving problems, making interface easier for users, and learning new code. I'm interested in using new techniques to make both personal and corporate brands better and more beautiful. I graduated with an A.S. in Interactive and Graphic Design from Valencia College. I really enjoyed learning the skills to make your website better!

Front End フロントエンド

HTML 95%
CSS 95%
Javascript 30%
jQuery 35%
SaSS 50%

Software ソフトウェア

Adobe Photoshop 80%
Adobe Illustrator 70%
Adobe InDesign 90%
Microsoft Office 75%